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random_regular_graph(d, n, seed=None)[source]

Returns a random d-regular graph on n nodes.

The resulting graph has no self-loops or parallel edges.

  • d (int) – The degree of each node.
  • n (integer) – The number of nodes. The value of n * d must be even.
  • seed (hashable object) – The seed for random number generator.


The nodes are numbered from 0 to n - 1.

Kim and Vu’s paper [2] shows that this algorithm samples in an asymptotically uniform way from the space of random graphs when d = O(n^{1 / 3 - \epsilon}).

Raises:NetworkXError – If n * d is odd or d is greater than or equal to n.


[1]A. Steger and N. Wormald, Generating random regular graphs quickly, Probability and Computing 8 (1999), 377-396, 1999. http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/steger99generating.html
[2]Jeong Han Kim and Van H. Vu, Generating random regular graphs, Proceedings of the thirty-fifth ACM symposium on Theory of computing, San Diego, CA, USA, pp 213–222, 2003. http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=780542.780576