

Computes the extendability of a graph.

The extendability of a graph is defined as the maximum \(k\) for which G is \(k\)-extendable. Graph G is \(k\)-extendable if and only if G has a perfect matching and every set of \(k\) independent edges can be extended to a perfect matching in G.

GNetworkX Graph

A fully-connected bipartite graph without self-loops


If the graph G is disconnected. If the graph G is not bipartite. If the graph G does not contain a perfect matching. If the residual graph of G is not strongly connected.


Definition: Let G be a simple, connected, undirected and bipartite graph with a perfect matching M and bipartition (U,V). The residual graph of G, denoted by \(G_M\), is the graph obtained from G by directing the edges of M from V to U and the edges that do not belong to M from U to V.

Lemma [1] : Let M be a perfect matching of G. G is \(k\)-extendable if and only if its residual graph \(G_M\) is strongly connected and there are \(k\) vertex-disjoint directed paths between every vertex of U and every vertex of V.

Assuming that input graph G is undirected, simple, connected, bipartite and contains a perfect matching M, this function constructs the residual graph \(G_M\) of G and returns the minimum value among the maximum vertex-disjoint directed paths between every vertex of U and every vertex of V in \(G_M\). By combining the definitions and the lemma, this value represents the extendability of the graph G.

Time complexity O(\(n^3\) \(m^2\))) where \(n\) is the number of vertices and \(m\) is the number of edges.



“A polynomial algorithm for the extendability problem in bipartite graphs”, J. Lakhal, L. Litzler, Information Processing Letters, 1998.


“On n-extendible graphs”, M. D. Plummer, Discrete Mathematics, 31:201–210, 1980