Parallel Betweenness#

Example of parallel implementation of betweenness centrality using the multiprocessing module from Python Standard Library.

The function betweenness centrality accepts a bunch of nodes and computes the contribution of those nodes to the betweenness centrality of the whole network. Here we divide the network in chunks of nodes and we compute their contribution to the betweenness centrality of the whole network.

Note: The example output below shows that the non-parallel implementation is faster. This is a limitation of our CI/CD pipeline running on a single core.

Depending on your setup, you will likely observe a speedup.

plot parallel betweenness
Computing betweenness centrality for:
Graph with 1000 nodes and 2991 edges
        Parallel version
                Time: 0.9133 seconds
                Betweenness centrality for node 0: 0.20665
        Non-Parallel version
                Time: 1.9908 seconds
                Betweenness centrality for node 0: 0.20665

Computing betweenness centrality for:
Graph with 1000 nodes and 5086 edges
        Parallel version
                Time: 1.1728 seconds
                Betweenness centrality for node 0: 0.00156
        Non-Parallel version
                Time: 2.5288 seconds
                Betweenness centrality for node 0: 0.00156

Computing betweenness centrality for:
Graph with 1000 nodes and 2000 edges
        Parallel version
                Time: 0.9963 seconds
                Betweenness centrality for node 0: 0.00980
        Non-Parallel version
                Time: 1.7421 seconds
                Betweenness centrality for node 0: 0.00980

from multiprocessing import Pool
import time
import itertools

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import networkx as nx

def chunks(l, n):
    """Divide a list of nodes `l` in `n` chunks"""
    l_c = iter(l)
    while 1:
        x = tuple(itertools.islice(l_c, n))
        if not x:
        yield x

def betweenness_centrality_parallel(G, processes=None):
    """Parallel betweenness centrality  function"""
    p = Pool(processes=processes)
    node_divisor = len(p._pool) * 4
    node_chunks = list(chunks(G.nodes(), G.order() // node_divisor))
    num_chunks = len(node_chunks)
    bt_sc = p.starmap(
            [G] * num_chunks,
            [list(G)] * num_chunks,
            [True] * num_chunks,
            [None] * num_chunks,

    # Reduce the partial solutions
    bt_c = bt_sc[0]
    for bt in bt_sc[1:]:
        for n in bt:
            bt_c[n] += bt[n]
    return bt_c

G_ba = nx.barabasi_albert_graph(1000, 3)
G_er = nx.gnp_random_graph(1000, 0.01)
G_ws = nx.connected_watts_strogatz_graph(1000, 4, 0.1)
for G in [G_ba, G_er, G_ws]:
    print("Computing betweenness centrality for:")
    print("\tParallel version")
    start = time.time()
    bt = betweenness_centrality_parallel(G)
    print(f"\t\tTime: {(time.time() - start):.4F} seconds")
    print(f"\t\tBetweenness centrality for node 0: {bt[0]:.5f}")
    print("\tNon-Parallel version")
    start = time.time()
    bt = nx.betweenness_centrality(G)
    print(f"\t\tTime: {(time.time() - start):.4F} seconds")
    print(f"\t\tBetweenness centrality for node 0: {bt[0]:.5f}")

nx.draw(G_ba, node_size=100)

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 14.382 seconds)

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